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Migraine Program

Migraine - a debilitating neurological condition that affects millions worldwide, transcending boundaries of age, gender, and ethnicity. Defined by excruciating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and heightened sensitivity to light and sound, migraine disrupts lives and diminishes quality of life.

In India alone, over 200 million people grapple with the challenges of migraine, making it one of the most prevalent health issues in the country. Globally, its impact is similarly staggering, affecting approximately 1 billion individuals. The quality of life is seriously affected in these individuals, accompanied by time off from work, reduced performance in studies, depression, anxiety and post- traumatic stress disorder.

Medications are regarded as the first-line treatment for migraine, but half of patients with migraine obtained unsatisfied efficacy and many patients discontinue medications due to adverse events. Two-thirds of patients with migraine are estimated to discontinue medications due to inefficacy or adverse effects.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for migraine. However, amidst this uncertainty, emerges a beacon of hope - Yoga Therapy. Embraced for centuries, yoga offers holistic relief, empowering individuals on their journey to remission.

Our program recognizes the transformative power of yoga in managing migraine symptoms and improving your quality of life. Through a carefully curated blend of therapeutic yoga practices, mindfulness techniques, and lifestyle adjustments, we aim to equip you with the tools necessary to reclaim control over your life. We chart out a plan for your migraine remission.

Various studies published in international journal of yoga showed that compared to medical therapy alone, the yoga group showed a significant reduction in headache frequency, duration & headache intensity, pain score, pill count and decrease the number of migraine days per month. Hence, Yoga as add-on therapy in migraine is more effective than medical therapy alone.

Are you experiencing frequent headaches and looking for relief?
Check if this program is for you:

  • Do you have throbbing headache? (pain can be one sided, both side, forehead, back of the head or neck)

    + (any of the following)

  • Is your headache associated with acidity/nausea/vomiting?
  • Do you have sensitivity to light/sound/smell?
  • Does headache get relieved after vomiting?

If the 1st point and any of the other 3 are true for you then our program is for you.

Join our 3-Month Migraine Program

Migraine isn't just a physical ailment; it's an emotional rollercoaster that impacts every aspect of your life. Don't navigate this journey alone. Our 3-month migraine program is designed to provide you with the support, guidance, and resources you need to take control of your condition and reclaim your life.

Join us on this journey to migraine remission. Together, we can find relief, restore balance, and rediscover joy in your life.

Take the leap. Embrace the journey. Relief awaits. Because you deserve to live pain-free!

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